This article outlines how students and recent graduates can register for the 2024 helloFinance event on the hellohive platform.
👋 Steps to Register & Apply for helloFinance:
*You must register before applying! 💡 Already registered? Click here to jump to application instructions.
Step 1: To register for Hive, create a free hellohive profile:
Step 2: Complete an auto-formatted hellohive resume by completing the Hive5 process and building your auto-formatted resume! Click here to start the Hive5 process.
💡 Learn more about why employers prefer Hive resumes here.
Step 3: Apply to the position with your hellohive resume (more instructions below):
⭐️ How to apply to the opportunity on hellohive:
1 - Complete all 7 application steps on the right-hand side of the screen:
⭐️TIP: If the "generate resume" button is not working, double-check your buzzwords in Step 5!
2 - Select "Generate Resume"
3 - Select "I'll risk it"
4 - Tag this position as "applied external" (there is no further action required!).
You're all set! You'll receive info via email about a Zoom link and other attendee information shortly after your application is received (usually 1 business day).
Q: How do I create a Hive profile?
A: Register at for your free profile!
Q: Can I upload a resume?
A: Unfortunately, the platform does not allow resume uploading, but this is in our product roadmap! However, you can copy the content of your existing resume onto the platform to create your resume. You can find more tips for building your employer-preferred Hive resume format here.
Q: Where can I learn more about the program?
A: See full program details here!
Q: Who can I reach out to if I'm stuck?
A: Email us at!