🐝 Ready: Investment Banking Recruitment Prep for Early College Students Fall 2023: Videos, Check-Ins & Resume Suggestions

This article describes how to list attendance for Fall 2023's Investment Banking program on your resume and details for asynchronous attendance

Please find in this article the Fall 2023 Investment Banking session video, as well as the requisite check-in for the session. Please do NOT share this video/check-in link externally; if anyone in your network would like to access them they should email info@hellohive.com and request directly. Thank you!


Session Recordings for Asynchronous Attendance

✅ Tuesday, October 17, 2023 - 🐝 Ready: Investment Banking Recruitment Prep for Early College Students


  • Alicia Price | Global Head of Investment Banking Campus Recruitment | Goldman Sachs
  • Katie Kruse | Analyst Natural Resources | Goldman Sachs
  • Lauren Voigt | Senior Recruitment Associate | Houlihan Lokey
  • Dexter Moyo | Incoming Associate | Houlihan Lokey
  • Samantha Caponegro | Emerging Talent Associate | HSBC
  • Armaan Israni | Analyst, Investment Banking | HSBC
  • Hannah Phillips Hernandez | Campus Recruiting Consultant, Corporate and Investment Banking | University Programs | Wells Fargo
  • Turner Finnerty | Consumer & Retail Investment Banking Analyst | Wells Fargo

📝 Resume Inclusions: How to list this program on your resume

See below for a sample resume with the EXACT name of the program and position title that you can include on yours to ensure our partners are aware of your attendance.

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Step 1: Navigate to "Leadership and Other Activities" in the Hive Platform from Your Profile

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Step 2: Add the Program as a "Leadership Position"

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  • Title: Investment Banking Recruitment Prep
  • Title: Selected Participant
  • Location: New York, NY
  • Date: October 2023

Step 3: Customize Your Bullets w/ What You Learned & Firms:

***You'll need to use the chain link function to expand the character limit to 218! Click the chain icon circled in yellow below to activate this functionality.

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  • Participated in a virtual session that focused on the various aspects of the investment banking recruitment process, focusing on networking, communication, and critical thinking
  • Engaged with professionals from 4 firms, including [list firms here] as well as a lateral network of 450+ students from over 100 schools across the country
  • [Customize - describe something you learned. This is just an example:] Added to my career prep toolkit through completing trainings on company research, networking, communication, and critical thinking specific to the investment banking recruitment process

Tips for Adding IB Recruitment Prep to Your Resume:

💡Use the space designated to list your firms of interest - this is a great way to customize your resume for your applications to specific firms

💡Use the third bullet point to describe something you learned and took away from the program and would be comfortable speaking about during an interview