1. Hello from Helper B!
  2. General
  3. Getting Started & Profile Creation

Updating Your Resume and Profile

If you see a warning label ⚠️ on your HIVE homepage, it may be time to update a few things:

Leadership Category


To add a category to your leadership activity, go to Level 1C of the HIVE5 Process. Make sure to click the pencil icon next to the leadership activity. When you are taken to the details screen, you will be prompted to select at least one leadership category.

Coursework Major

To add a major to any of your saved coursework, go to Level 1A of the HIVE5 Process. On the section titled "Coursework" you can add a major for your course.

Please note that any courses you have previously added without a major should be deleted and re-entered with an affiliated major.

Major Category

To add a category to your major(s), go to Level 1A of the HIVE5 Process. On the section titled "Degree/Major" you can add a major for your course if you've selected "Other/Write In" and entered a custom major.